Schust™ provides a two module addition to an existing reverse air baghouse. Expanding steel mill operations, these modules are being installed while operating the existing system thus maintaining production.
Schust™ provides a two module addition to an existing reverse air baghouse. Expanding steel mill operations, these modules are being installed while operating the existing system thus maintaining production.
1,500,000 ACFM, twelve (12) module, reverse air baghouse with open plenum exhaust. Steel mill electric arc furnace ventilation featuring dense phase material handling and rail car load out facilities.
Design, build, and supply of a twelve (12) module, 800,000 ACFM, pulse jet, dust collection system managing an EAF melting operation in a steel mill. Project features include a 200 foot exhaust stack, water cooled ducting, offline cleaning, dense phase material handling, and truck load out facilities.
Design, supply, and install: 75,000 CFM, Gas fired, make-up air unit (AMU) with evaporative cooling section for summer cooling providing a year round controlled climate manufacturing environment.
Carbon Black dust collection system rated at 24,000 CFM with dense phase re-feed transporter, screw conveyors, ducting, and explosion isolation system.
Traveling Swarf Booth hooding with eighty (80) feet of zipper duct ventilating a precision grinding operation.
Turnkey (design/build) six (6) module, reverse air, 350,000 ACFM baghouse system. Updating steel mill operations and providing additional ventilation for three (3) electric arc furnaces.
Two (2) of three (3) total pulse jet baghouses, ducting, and fire suppression, providing 60,000 ACFM of ventilation each, for leaded steel manufacturing operations.
1,200,000 ACFM, negative pressure, reverse air, ten (10) module system. Melt shop air pollution control for flat roll steel mill operations. Material handling with truck load out facilities.
Multiple collectors, bin vents, and associated specialty ducting for cement manufacturing operations. This turnkey project provided guaranteed maximum attainable control technology (MACT Standards) and included load out facilities at ground level.