Who is Schust™?

Schust™ designs and builds high performance industrial Air Pollution Control (APC) systems. Combining our technical expertise and industry-proven experience, Schust™ provides you with the most innovative solutions for you industrial ventilation need.

Do you have turnkey capability?

Yes, Schust™ provides a turnkey design and build capability. With one source of responsibility, we can provide significant schedule improvement and increased accountability. We have designed and managed the construction of dust collection systems from 1,000 cfm to over 1,000,000 cfm.

What types of emissions have you had experience dealing with?

  • Particulate matters (PM / PM10 / PM2.5), dust, and fume (submicron)
  • Acid gas and other toxic vapors (e.g. SOx, NOx, Cl2)
  • Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) (e.g. Lead, Asbestos, Silica)
  • Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)
  • Oil and water mists
  • Odor

What types of industry do you serve?

All metal and non-metal industries (e.g. Cement, Glass, Grain, Automotive, Plastic)

Where have you installed APC systems?

Nationwide, as well as Canada and Mexico.

Can you help me troubleshoot my existing APC systems?

Yes. We can make on-site visit and provide you with technical analysis of your existing systems even though the systems were installed by others.

Can you provide feasibility study prior to purchasing a system?

Since an air pollution control system is usually a major capital expenditure, advanced planning involving plant engineering, production department, and maintenance personnel is highly recommended.

Once the team determine the goals and preliminary list of desired system features, Schust™ can make on-site visit and perform a plant ventilation study to:

  1. Identify the source of fugitive emissions
  2. Determine the optimum exhaust volume required to control the emissions
  3. Provide conceptual design and other related technical specifications such as air-to-cloth ratio and fan static requirement, as applicable
  4. Provide a budgetary pricing for capital expenditure planning
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