Ventilation Audits & Engineering Studies

Knowing your plant ventilation systems are operating as intended, gives plant managers and employees peace of mind that they are working in a safe, properly air-balanced facility.  Schust™ ventilation audits and engineering studies do just that.

Schust™ plant ventilation audits take an in-depth view of how your facility’s dust collection and air make-up system is operating.  After nearly 100 years, Schust™ understands that processes change and we are here to help. During an engineering study, our technical experts will carefully review the details from a plant ventilation audit to design a system that will support your processing goals.

During a plant ventilation audit, knowledgeable Schust™ technicians will visually observe and document:

  • Material handling methods
  • Employee movement
  • Access requirements
  • Potential exhaust enclosure limitations
  • Cataloging the existing air make-up and dust collection systems
  • Airflow testing to determine operating performance

When is a Plant Ventilation Audit is Needed?

  • New production equipment has been added to the system
  • Production processes have changed, hoods removed, and ducts capped off
  • Duct runs have been altered from the original design
  • Point of egress doors are difficult to open or slam shut (too much positive or negative pressure)

Technical experts will suggest possible process changes or upgrades to the dust collection equipment and air make-up systems:

  • Recommend improvements for any emission capture such as OSHA rule 1910.1053 respirable crystalline silica and NFPA 652 combustible dust
  • Provide volume requirement changes needed to control the process
  • Develop CAD drawings of hood concepts and duct schematics

When an Engineering Study is Needed?

Engineering studies are ideal when a ventilation problem has been identified, but the facility personnel are unsure of how to properly repair it.  Often Schust™ engineers are called to the facility after costly attempts have been made to correct the problem, but never really addressed the root cause.  Engineering Studies by Schust™ empower a facility’s plant personnel to make informed decisions regarding cost-effective solutions that solve and improve air quality issues.


Contact Schust™ if your facility is experiencing any of the following:

  • Evaluate a problem with the current ventilation system
  • If the plant is experiencing emission violations
  • After reviewing industrial hygienist test data
  • Changing any part of your process by adding or removing equipment
  • Looking to increase production capacity
  • Adding another production line
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